Eastcore Neighborhood
The 3sixty neighborhood is commonly referred to as Eastcore: the east-central area of Holland, Michigan. The boundaries run from 13th Street to 24th Street, between River Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. 3sixty was started by neighbors living in this area, and will always be led by residents living within the neighborhood.
3sixty is a neighbor-led non-profit based in downtown Holland. Since 2005, 3sixty’s mission has always been to build a living community where neighbors feel equally known and committed to the well-being of the neighborhood. We live out our mission by connecting neighbors, sharing resources, and building community.
2022 Mural Fest Block Party
Our Work
Connecting Neighbors
Pew Research found that 28% of Americans do not know any neighbors by name and 29% know only some neighbors by name. Our isolation especially hurts our neighbors who are living on the margins, who have limited social support in times of need. We sponsor and host social events (like our annual Neighborhood Celebration and neighborhood-wide Fall and Spring Cleanups) where neighbors can get to know one another.
Sharing Resources
3sixty believes that our neighborhoods are full of assets that we can use to address the problems we see. When neighbors know each other, neighbors can care for one another using their respective (and collective) resources. They can also identify the gaps and then develop needed resources, together, like the 3sixty Tool Library and our Midtown Hub office and community space
Building Community
When neighbors know and care for one another, we believe a true community emerges, one where we share a sense of belonging and can contribute to the neighborhood’s flourishing. 3sixty provides the administrative support for block-level and community-wide leaders through our Neighborhood Advocacy Team, to train, equip, and organize residents for sustainable improvements.